뉴욕타임즈 뉴스 기사 중 헤드라인을 읽어 텍스트 생성 연습(LSTM)TensorFlow 2022. 12. 14. 13:10
# 뉴욕타임즈 뉴스 기사 중 헤드라인을 읽어 텍스트 생성 연습 import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pykwon/python/master/testdata_utf8/articlesapril.csv') # print(df.head(1)) print(df.columns, len(df.columns)) print() print(df['headline'].head(2)) print() print(df.headline.values) print(df['headline'].isnull().values.any()) # False headline = [] headline.extend(list(df.headline.values)) print(headline[:10]) print(len(headline)) # 1324 # 'Unknown'(noise) 자료 제거 headline = [n for n in headline if n != 'Unknown'] print(headline[:10]) print(len(headline)) # 1214 # ascii 코드 문자, 구두점 제거, 단어 소문자화 from string import punctuation # print('He하이llo 가a나다.'.encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode()) # 영어만 출력 # print(' pytion.'.strip(punctuation)) # print(' pytion.'.strip(punctuation + ' ')) def replace_func(s): s = s.encode('utf8').decode('ascii', 'ignore') # ascii 코드로 변환 시 ascii 코드를 지원하지 않으면 제외 시킨다. return ''.join(c for c in s if c not in punctuation).lower() # 구두점 제거, 단어 소문자화 sss = ['abc123, 하하GOOD'] print([replace_func(x) for x in sss]) text = [replace_func(x) for x in headline] print(text[:5]) # 'Former N.F.L. Cheerleaders’ Settlement Offer: $1 and a Meeting With Goodell' # 'former nfl cheerleaders settlement offer 1 and a meeting with goodell' # vocabulary from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer tok = Tokenizer() tok.fit_on_texts(text) # list가 들어와야 된다.(위에서 list 타입으로 해 놓음) vocab_size = len(tok.word_index) + 1 print('vocab_size :', vocab_size) # 3494 sequences = list() for line in text: enc = tok.texts_to_sequences([line])[0] # 각 샘플에 대한 인덱싱 처리(정수 인코딩) for i in range(1, len(enc)): se = enc[:i + 1] sequences.append(se) # print(sequences) # [[99, 269], [99, 269, 371], [99, 269, 371, 1115], ... print(tok.word_index) # {'the': 1, 'a': 2, 'to': 3, 'of': 4, 'in': 5, 'for': 6, ... print(sequences[:11]) # 'former nfl cheerleaders settlement offer 1 and a meeting with goodell' # [[99, 269], [99, 269, 371], [99, 269, 371, 1115], ... print('dict items :', tok.word_index.items()) # [('the', 1), ('a', 2), ('to', 3), ... ==> {1:'the', 2:'a', ...}이렇게 만들기 index_to_word = {} for key, value in tok.word_index.items(): # print('key :', key) # print('value :', value) index_to_word[value] = key print(index_to_word[100]) max_len = max(len(i) for i in sequences) print('max_len :', max_len) # 24 from keras.utils import pad_sequences psequences = pad_sequences(sequences, maxlen=max_len, padding='pre') print(psequences[:3]) import numpy as np psequences = np.array(psequences) x = psequences[:, :-1] # feature y = psequences[:, -1] # label print(x[:3]) print(y[:3]) from keras.utils import to_categorical y = to_categorical(y, num_classes=vocab_size) print(y[:1]) # model from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Embedding, Flatten, Dense, LSTM model = Sequential() model.add(Embedding(vocab_size, 32, input_length=max_len - 1)) model.add(LSTM(128, activation='tanh')) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(128, activation='relu')) model.add(Dense(64, activation='relu')) model.add(Dense(vocab_size, activation='softmax')) print(model.summary()) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) model.fit(x, y, epochs=200, verbose=0) print('model evaluate :', model.evaluate(x, y)) # 문자열 생성 함수 def seq_gen_text_func(model, t, current_word, n): init_word = current_word # 처음 들어온 단어도 마지막 함께 출력할 계획 sentence = '' for _ in range(n): encoded = t.texts_to_sequences([current_word])[0] encoded = pad_sequences([encoded], maxlen=max_len - 1, padding='pre') result = np.argmax(model.predict(encoded, verbose=0), axis = -1) # 예측 단어 찾기 for word, index in t.word_index.items(): # print(word, ' :', index) if index == result: # 예측한 단어, 그리고 인덱스와 동일한 단어가 있다면 해당 단어는 예측단어 이므로 break break current_word = current_word + ' ' + word sentence = sentence + ' ' + word sentence = init_word + sentence return sentence print(seq_gen_text_func(model, tok, 'defense', 10)) print(seq_gen_text_func(model, tok, 'tuesday', 10)) print(seq_gen_text_func(model, tok, 'beginning', 10)) <console> Index(['articleID', 'articleWordCount', 'byline', 'documentType', 'headline', 'keywords', 'multimedia', 'newDesk', 'printPage', 'pubDate', 'sectionName', 'snippet', 'source', 'typeOfMaterial', 'webURL'], dtype='object') 15 0 Former N.F.L. Cheerleaders’ Settlement Offer: ... 1 E.P.A. to Unveil a New Rule. Its Effect: Less ... Name: headline, dtype: object ['Former N.F.L. Cheerleaders’ Settlement Offer: $1 and a Meeting With Goodell' 'E.P.A. to Unveil a New Rule. Its Effect: Less Science in Policymaking.' 'The New Noma, Explained' ... 'Gen. Michael Hayden Has One Regret: Russia' 'There Is Nothin’ Like a Tune' 'Unknown'] False ['Former N.F.L. Cheerleaders’ Settlement Offer: $1 and a Meeting With Goodell', 'E.P.A. to Unveil a New Rule. Its Effect: Less Science in Policymaking.', 'The New Noma, Explained', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'How a Bag of Texas Dirt Became a Times Tradition', 'Is School a Place for Self-Expression?'] 1324 ['Former N.F.L. Cheerleaders’ Settlement Offer: $1 and a Meeting With Goodell', 'E.P.A. to Unveil a New Rule. Its Effect: Less Science in Policymaking.', 'The New Noma, Explained', 'How a Bag of Texas Dirt Became a Times Tradition', 'Is School a Place for Self-Expression?', 'Commuter Reprogramming', 'Ford Changed Leaders, Looking for a Lift. It’s Still Looking.', 'Romney Failed to Win at Utah Convention, But Few Believe He’s Doomed', 'Chain Reaction', 'He Forced the Vatican to Investigate Sex Abuse. Now He’s Meeting With Pope Francis.'] 1214 ['abc123 good'] ['former nfl cheerleaders settlement offer 1 and a meeting with goodell', 'epa to unveil a new rule its effect less science in policymaking', 'the new noma explained', 'how a bag of texas dirt became a times tradition', 'is school a place for selfexpression'] {'the': 1, 'a': 2, 'to': 3, 'of': 4, 'in': 5, 'for': 6, 'and': 7, 'is': 8, 'on': 9, 'with': 10, 'trump': 11, 'as': 12, 'at': 13, 'new': 14, 'how': 15, 'from': 16, 'it': 17, 'an': 18, 'that': 19, 'be': 20, 'season': 21, 'us': 22, 'you': 23, 'its': 24, 'what': 25, 'episode': 26, 'can': 27, 'your': 28, 'not': 29, 'he': 30, 'now': 31, 'his': 32, 'are': 33, 'teaching': 34, 'war': 35, 'out': 36, 'no': 37, 'was': 38, 'by': 39, 'trumps': 40, 'has': 41, 'over': 42, 'may': 43, 'into': 44, 'why': 45, 'more': 46, 'we': 47, 'who': 48, 'about': 49, 'recap': 50, 'activities': 51, '1': 52, 'just': 53, 'do': 54, 'women': 55, 'when': 56, 'syria': 57, 'trade': 58, 'i': 59, '2': 60, 'or': 61, 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'researchers': 3462, 'sheldon': 3463, 'silver': 3464, 'retrial': 3465, 'revisits': 3466, 'gig': 3467, 'dealt': 3468, 'blow': 3469, 'cardinal': 3470, 'faces': 3471, 'charges': 3472, 'context': 3473, 'show': 3474, 'depth': 3475, 'obstacles': 3476, 'competitive': 3477, 'sport': 3478, 'rootslush': 3479, 'historical': 3480, 'rooted': 3481, 'naturenovels': 3482, 'steeped': 3483, 'historyancient': 3484, 'reimaginedjurassic': 3485, 'classics': 3486, 'question': 3487, 'reinforces': 3488, 'anna': 3489, 'llama': 3490, 'hayden': 3491, 'regret': 3492, 'nothin': 3493} [[99, 269], [99, 269, 371], [99, 269, 371, 1115], [99, 269, 371, 1115, 582], [99, 269, 371, 1115, 582, 52], [99, 269, 371, 1115, 582, 52, 7], [99, 269, 371, 1115, 582, 52, 7, 2], [99, 269, 371, 1115, 582, 52, 7, 2, 372], [99, 269, 371, 1115, 582, 52, 7, 2, 372, 10], [99, 269, 371, 1115, 582, 52, 7, 2, 372, 10, 1116], [100, 3]] dict items : dict_items([('the', 1), ('a', 2), ('to', 3), ('of', 4), ('in', 5), ('for', 6), ('and', 7), ('is', 8), ('on', 9), ('with', 10), ('trump', 11), ('as', 12), ('at', 13), ('new', 14), ('how', 15), ('from', 16), ('it', 17), ('an', 18), ('that', 19), ('be', 20), ('season', 21), ('us', 22), ('you', 23), ('its', 24), ('what', 25), ('episode', 26), ('can', 27), ('your', 28), ('not', 29), ('he', 30), ('now', 31), ('his', 32), ('are', 33), ('teaching', 34), ('war', 35), ('out', 36), ('no', 37), ('was', 38), ('by', 39), ('trumps', 40), ('has', 41), ('over', 42), ('may', 43), ('into', 44), ('why', 45), ('more', 46), ('we', 47), ('who', 48), ('about', 49), ('recap', 50), ('activities', 51), ('1', 52), ('just', 53), ('do', 54), ('women', 55), ('when', 56), ('syria', 57), ('trade', 58), ('i', 59), ('2', 60), ('or', 61), ('will', 62), ('this', 63), ('have', 64), ('president', 65), ('but', 66), ('home', 67), ('up', 68), ('long', 69), ('one', 70), ('off', 71), ('facebook', 72), ('house', 73), ('gop', 74), ('our', 75), ('case', 76), ('they', 77), ('life', 78), ('end', 79), ('right', 80), ('some', 81), ('big', 82), ('dead', 83), ('power', 84), ('say', 85), ('white', 86), ('after', 87), ('still', 88), ('north', 89), ('my', 90), ('dont', 91), ('need', 92), ('race', 93), ('own', 94), ('against', 95), ('here', 96), ('should', 97), ('border', 98), ('former', 99), ('epa', 100), ('battle', 101), ('mr', 102), ('too', 103), ('their', 104), ('plan', 105), ('3', 106), ('china', 107), ('real', 108), ('were', 109), ('her', 110), ('russia', 111), ('art', 112), ('good', 113), ('then', 114), ('like', 115), ('pay', 116), ('back', 117), ('get', 118), ('love', 119), ('says', 120), ('officials', 121), ('fight', 122), ('tariffs', 123), ('pruitt', 124), ('democrats', 125), ('black', 126), ('man', 127), ('men', 128), ('help', 129), ('never', 130), ('york', 131), ('comey', 132), ('chief', 133), ('metoo', 134), ('work', 135), ('place', 136), ('could', 137), ('past', 138), ('years', 139), ('rights', 140), ('first', 141), ('money', 142), ('save', 143), ('going', 144), ('all', 145), ('way', 146), ('political', 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210), ('last', 211), ('book', 212), ('death', 213), ('gun', 214), ('texas', 215), ('hes', 216), ('sex', 217), ('abuse', 218), ('find', 219), ('truth', 220), ('arizona', 221), ('american', 222), ('pompeo', 223), ('change', 224), ('city', 225), ('kim', 226), ('so', 227), ('music', 228), ('risks', 229), ('being', 230), ('billions', 231), ('5', 232), ('family', 233), ('missing', 234), ('gaza', 235), ('vs', 236), ('senate', 237), ('heart', 238), ('justice', 239), ('killing', 240), ('cia', 241), ('come', 242), ('shows', 243), ('turning', 244), ('schools', 245), ('parents', 246), ('law', 247), ('legal', 248), ('economy', 249), ('strike', 250), ('him', 251), ('threat', 252), ('before', 253), ('takes', 254), ('night', 255), ('mueller', 256), ('close', 257), ('cut', 258), ('dream', 259), ('face', 260), ('friends', 261), ('does', 262), ('game', 263), ('dear', 264), ('boss', 265), ('baby', 266), ('kings', 267), ('jail', 268), ('nfl', 269), ('jimmy', 270), ('word', 271), ('hot', 272), ('turns', 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('stateappointed', 1736), ('superintendent', 1737), ('steps', 1738), ('aside', 1739), ('abortion', 1740), ('roe', 1741), ('unwanted', 1742), ('advances', 1743), ('missouris', 1744), ('italy', 1745), ('deleted', 1746), ('ago', 1747), ('musicians', 1748), ('concert', 1749), ('promises', 1750), ('promote', 1751), ('alone', 1752), ('weight', 1753), ('fictional', 1754), ('pence', 1755), ('plane', 1756), ('algerias', 1757), ('worst', 1758), ('257', 1759), ('giant', 1760), ('collects', 1761), ('uses', 1762), ('except', 1763), ('pedestrian', 1764), ('reddest', 1765), ('rural', 1766), ('districts', 1767), ('nra', 1768), ('hidden', 1769), ('answering', 1770), ('seth', 1771), ('meyers', 1772), ('wonders', 1773), ('spells', 1774), ('doom', 1775), ('animal', 1776), ('welfare', 1777), ('suffering', 1778), ('brassai', 1779), ('paris', 1780), ('python', 1781), ('pet', 1782), ('snatched', 1783), ('smells', 1784), ('memories', 1785), ('classic', 1786), ('else', 1787), ('bite', 1788), ('ignored', 1789), ('clown', 1790), ('bleached', 1791), ('angry', 1792), ('subpoenas', 1793), ('nearly', 1794), ('december', 1795), ('traumatic', 1796), ('injuries', 1797), ('dementia', 1798), ('salt', 1799), ('pepper', 1800), ('already', 1801), ('gory', 1802), ('el', 1803), ('chapo', 1804), ('draining', 1805), ('three', 1806), ('investigates', 1807), ('admissions', 1808), ('tiki', 1809), ('bar', 1810), ('lessthantropical', 1811), ('raids', 1812), ('hush', 1813), ('fumes', 1814), ('trembling', 1815), ('screaming', 1816), ('cream', 1817), ('homeland', 1818), ('bolton', 1819), ('settles', 1820), ('filipinos', 1821), ('tatters', 1822), ('trip', 1823), ('latin', 1824), ('citing', 1825), ('climate', 1826), ('skeptics', 1827), ('beg', 1828), ('differ', 1829), ('speak', 1830), ('accountable', 1831), ('misunderstands', 1832), ('imagines', 1833), ('went', 1834), ('diving', 1835), ('renovation', 1836), ('gusto', 1837), ('rhodesias', 1838), ('supremacists', 1839), ('cambridge', 1840), ('analytica', 1841), ('course', 1842), ('escapes', 1843), ('riots', 1844), ('beatings', 1845), ('prisons', 1846), ('soups', 1847), ('beautiful', 1848), ('bogot', 1849), ('travelers', 1850), ('starter', 1851), ('kit', 1852), ('groped', 1853), ('pro', 1854), ('bosses', 1855), ('disapprove', 1856), ('vouchers', 1857), ('mayors', 1858), ('streetcar', 1859), ('markdowns', 1860), ('poem', 1861), ('cure', 1862), ('pages', 1863), ('exspy', 1864), ('hospital', 1865), ('popup', 1866), ('classes', 1867), ('reporters', 1868), ('recorded', 1869), ('myanmar', 1870), ('authority', 1871), ('months', 1872), ('resigning', 1873), ('event', 1874), ('revulsion', 1875), ('eroded', 1876), ('obamacares', 1877), ('stable', 1878), ('failures', 1879), ('antitrumpism', 1880), ('bannon', 1881), ('beliefs', 1882), ('parent', 1883), ('allay', 1884), ('911', 1885), ('born', 1886), ('zuckerberg', 1887), ('center', 1888), ('reshape', 1889), ('tokens', 1890), ('please', 1891), ('widens', 1892), ('onenight', 1893), ('temptation', 1894), ('handlers', 1895), ('leeches', 1896), ('trackers', 1897), ('poised', 1898), ('balloon', 1899), ('trillion', 1900), ('deficit', 1901), ('grilling', 1902), ('tie', 1903), ('shirt', 1904), ('mets', 1905), ('excited', 1906), ('authentic', 1907), ('retaliation', 1908), ('abou', 1909), ('sizzle', 1910), ('grill', 1911), ('tense', 1912), ('fossilized', 1913), ('finger', 1914), ('bone', 1915), ('earliest', 1916), ('peninsula', 1917), ('advisers', 1918), ('head', 1919), ('actions', 1920), ('commander', 1921), ('returning', 1922), ('battleground', 1923), ('20', 1924), ('rallying', 1925), ('reactions', 1926), ('shingles', 1927), ('vaccine', 1928), ('reasons', 1929), ('masked', 1930), ('wrestling', 1931), ('priest', 1932), ('prospect', 1933), ('missile', 1934), ('hub', 1935), ('contemplation', 1936), ('challenge', 1937), ('books', 1938), ('teach', 1939), ('management', 1940), ('cleaning', 1941), ('wit', 1942), ('tina', 1943), ('fey', 1944), ('splintered', 1945), ('hearts', 1946), ('horror', 1947), ('governed', 1948), ('amp', 1949), ('powderkeg', 1950), ('bon', 1951), ('vivant', 1952), ('tower', 1953), ('couldnt', 1954), ('sell', 1955), ('affected', 1956), ('users', 1957), ('carnage', 1958), ('muddles', 1959), ('exit', 1960), ('sweeping', 1961), ('election', 1962), ('victory', 1963), ('hungarys', 1964), ('ruler', 1965), ('constitution', 1966), ('antioch', 1967), ('initials', 1968), ('stroller', 1969), ('scrawls', 1970), ('credit', 1971), ('trusts', 1972), ('complain', 1973), ('triple', 1974), ('spoonerisms', 1975), ('murky', 1976), ('perils', 1977), ('quitting', 1978), ('antidepressants', 1979), ('landlord', 1980), ('refund', 1981), ('fee', 1982), ('amenities', 1983), ('available', 1984), ('renegades', 1985), ('sri', 1986), ('lanka', 1987), ('bombast', 1988), ('samantha', 1989), ('germs', 1990), ('diet', 1991), ('soda', 1992), ('dvd', 1993), ('staff', 1994), ('advised', 1995), ('resistant', 1996), ('epas', 1997), ('current', 1998), ('tb', 1999), ('insufficient', 2000), ('princes', 2001), ('tour', 2002), ('murdoch', 2003), ('gates', 2004), ('oprah', 2005), ('anonymous', 2006), ('earned', 2007), ('divine', 2008), ('status', 2009), ('frustrated', 2010), ('yorkers', 2011), ('catering', 2012), ('fliers', 2013), ('30000', 2014), ('feet', 2015), ('enemy', 2016), ('cecil', 2017), ('taylor', 2018), ('pianist', 2019), ('defied', 2020), ('jazz', 2021), ('orthodoxy', 2022), ('89', 2023), ('pressure', 2024), ('miscarriage', 2025), ('dynasty', 2026), ('passing', 2027), ('torch', 2028), ('disappointing', 2029), ('alarms', 2030), ('nominees', 2031), ('views', 2032), ('80s', 2033), ('kors', 2034), ('dismantle', 2035), ('obamas', 2036), ('hatewatching', 2037), ('hgtv', 2038), ('putins', 2039), ('inner', 2040), ('circle', 2041), ('gendered', 2042), ('emasculator', 2043), ('until', 2044), ('arrived', 2045), ('chappaquiddick', 2046), ('theory', 2047), ('march', 2048), ('structure', 2049), ('denies', 2050), ('knowledge', 2051), ('porn', 2052), ('flail', 2053), ('concerns', 2054), ('ousted', 2055), ('script', 2056), ('restaurateur', 2057), ('starr', 2058), ('keith', 2059), ('mcnally', 2060), ('reopen', 2061), ('pastis', 2062), ('liberal', 2063), ('nirvana', 2064), ('sometimes', 2065), ('room', 2066), ('protecting', 2067), ('outposts', 2068), ('pulling', 2069), ('lawn', 2070), ('chairs', 2071), ('someones', 2072), ('prom', 2073), ('include', 2074), ('squeezes', 2075), ('restaurants', 2076), ('growing', 2077), ('threatens', 2078), ('aides', 2079), ('exits', 2080), ('confident', 2081), ('buzz', 2082), ('v', 2083), ('sale', 2084), ('harder', 2085), ('disabilities', 2086), ('contract', 2087), ('authoritarianism', 2088), ('driven', 2089), ('elevator', 2090), ('oh', 2091), ('accuse', 2092), ('architect', 2093), ('finding', 2094), ('decent', 2095), ('wades', 2096), ('deeper', 2097), ('detainee', 2098), ('operations', 2099), ('kurds', 2100), ('recovery', 2101), ('weakness', 2102), ('strength', 2103), ('commerce', 2104), ('murkowski', 2105), ('mastered', 2106), ('myerss', 2107), ('fallon', 2108), ('homework', 2109), ('therapist', 2110), ('japans', 2111), ('popular', 2112), ('bathing', 2113), ('temple', 2114), ('elephants', 2115), ('retreat', 2116), ('sheep', 2117), ('dylan', 2118), ('st', 2119), ('vincent', 2120), ('sing', 2121), ('fatal', 2122), ('bessie', 2123), ('b', 2124), ('stringfield', 2125), ('motorcycle', 2126), ('miami', 2127), ('causing', 2128), ('walkoff', 2129), ('youtube', 2130), ('complaints', 2131), ('attacker', 2132), ('echoed', 2133), ('dollars', 2134), ('flawed', 2135), ('trapping', 2136), ('manufacturers', 2137), ('crossfire', 2138), ('uschina', 2139), ('tensions', 2140), ('send', 2141), ('homestead', 2142), ('architectures', 2143), ('forensic', 2144), ('gaze', 2145), ('womens', 2146), ('jeopardy', 2147), ('producer', 2148), ('supplied', 2149), ('dough', 2150), ('souvenirs', 2151), ('ive', 2152), ('forget', 2153), ('logo', 2154), ('quirks', 2155), ('garry', 2156), ('winogrand', 2157), ('photograph', 2158), ('museum', 2159), ('deception', 2160), ('campus', 2161), ('expresident', 2162), ('sentenced', 2163), ('24', 2164), ('corruption', 2165), ('radical', 2166), ('exile', 2167), ('vocal', 2168), ('imam', 2169), ('fifty', 2170), ('shades', 2171), ('slice', 2172), ('pizza', 2173), ('knew', 2174), ('mentally', 2175), ('officers', 2176), ('keep', 2177), ('crossing', 2178), ('undeterred', 2179), ('washingtons', 2180), ('agreement', 2181), ('nafta', 2182), ('must', 2183), ('45000', 2184), ('bribes', 2185), ('luxuries', 2186), ('prosecutors', 2187), ('escalates', 2188), ('tariff', 2189), ('mistake', 2190), ('worries', 2191), ('sending', 2192), ('pointing', 2193), ('believed', 2194), ('infrastructure', 2195), ('fund', 2196), ('hype', 2197), ('shhhh', 2198), ('silence', 2199), ('mostly', 2200), ('enchanted', 2201), ('aims', 2202), ('transparency', 2203), ('defeated', 2204), ('circus', 2205), ('deploy', 2206), ('condoning', 2207), ('illiteracy', 2208), ('footprints', 2209), ('scottish', 2210), ('isle', 2211), ('playground', 2212), ('dinosaurs', 2213), ('lovely', 2214), ('tempts', 2215), ('kasich', 2216), ('hearing', 2217), ('multiple', 2218), ('channels', 2219), ('balancing', 2220), ('chaos', 2221), ('mighty', 2222), ('yes', 2223), ('wiser', 2224), ('homelessness', 2225), ('follows', 2226), ('minnesota', 2227), ('miners', 2228), ('houses', 2229), ('astounding', 2230), ('pulls', 2231), ('total', 2232), ('withdrawal', 2233), ('google', 2234), ('internal', 2235), ('robert', 2236), ('f', 2237), ('indianapolis', 2238), ('crowd', 2239), ('profile', 2240), ('breach', 2241), ('brink', 2242), ('officially', 2243), ('guy', 2244), ('cue', 2245), ('jitters', 2246), ('wars', 2247), ('stranded', 2248), ('assets', 2249), ('stock', 2250), ('googoosha', 2251), ('cherished', 2252), ('uzbek', 2253), ('between', 2254), ('grows', 2255), ('stained', 2256), ('cathedral', 2257), ('700000', 2258), ('pennsylvania', 2259), ('michigan', 2260), ('7year', 2261), ('schism', 2262), ('bananas', 2263), 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2316), ('five', 2317), ('attorneys', 2318), ('sisters', 2319), ('norway', 2320), ('lived', 2321), ('sidewalks', 2322), ('included', 2323), ('turf', 2324), ('interprets', 2325), ('pushed', 2326), ('johnny', 2327), ('cashs', 2328), ('poems', 2329), ('songs', 2330), ('oaxaca', 2331), ('gowanus', 2332), ('jrs', 2333), ('according', 2334), ('politically', 2335), ('faith', 2336), ('scene', 2337), ('uncovers', 2338), ('casual', 2339), ('horrors', 2340), ('foresees', 2341), ('securing', 2342), ('championship', 2343), ('hooked', 2344), ('vitamins', 2345), ('standin', 2346), ('standout', 2347), ('villanova', 2348), ('proclaims', 2349), ('awareness', 2350), ('month', 2351), ('thinks', 2352), ('bedford', 2353), ('son', 2354), ('pairs', 2355), ('mixing', 2356), ('pleasure', 2357), ('hurricanedamaged', 2358), ('islands', 2359), ('ancient', 2360), ('cloud', 2361), ('girlfriend', 2362), ('awful', 2363), ('warned', 2364), ('booksellers', 2365), ('doctor', 2366), ('grapple', 2367), ('epidemic', 2368), 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2422), ('changing', 2423), ('residents', 2424), ('backward', 2425), ('disgrace', 2426), ('walk', 2427), ('fervor', 2428), ('niobe', 2429), ('treats', 2430), ('absurdist', 2431), ('winnie', 2432), ('madikizelamandela', 2433), ('fought', 2434), ('apartheid', 2435), ('dolphin', 2436), ('dieoff', 2437), ('tip', 2438), ('iceberg', 2439), ('glee', 2440), ('satisfaction', 2441), ('weeping', 2442), ('reacted', 2443), ('value', 2444), ('limitations', 2445), ('calcium', 2446), ('scan', 2447), ('roommate', 2448), ('ground', 2449), ('serve', 2450), ('deranged', 2451), ('tyrant', 2452), ('stoically', 2453), ('cracking', 2454), ('aspiring', 2455), ('developer', 2456), ('chooses', 2457), ('construction', 2458), ('checkpoints', 2459), ('armed', 2460), ('crossroads', 2461), ('tvs', 2462), ('hopeless', 2463), ('romantic', 2464), ('charities', 2465), ('showdown', 2466), ('borrowers', 2467), ('fighting', 2468), ('chores', 2469), ('spend', 2470), ('telling', 2471), ('defectors', 2472), ('puff', 2473), 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2579), ('confrontations', 2580), ('megamansions', 2581), ('megaproblems', 2582), ('story', 2583), ('hour', 2584), ('base', 2585), ('reflections', 2586), ('stupid', 2587), ('memphis', 2588), ('affirmative', 2589), ('reactionaries', 2590), ('detects', 2591), ('whiff', 2592), ('cronyism', 2593), ('appointment', 2594), ('hurricanes', 2595), ('ruin', 2596), ('return', 2597), ('contractor', 2598), ('retirement', 2599), ('broad', 2600), ('bills', 2601), ('stay', 2602), ('congressional', 2603), ('dysfunction', 2604), ('reigns', 2605), ('pitting', 2606), ('anatomy', 2607), ('angeles', 2608), ('teenager', 2609), ('grief', 2610), ('warms', 2611), ('sleep', 2612), ('innocents', 2613), ('prodigy', 2614), ('redeemed', 2615), ('complex', 2616), ('relationship', 2617), ('loves', 2618), ('moviethemed', 2619), ('vacation', 2620), ('greeces', 2621), ('despair', 2622), ('till', 2623), ('lear', 2624), ('visited', 2625), ('woo', 2626), ('saudis', 2627), ('longtime', 2628), ('whisperer', 2629), ('packs', 2630), ('leaving', 2631), ('void', 2632), ('integration', 2633), ('forever', 2634), ('network', 2635), ('rediscovers', 2636), ('reboot', 2637), ('shakeup', 2638), ('privatized', 2639), ('tesla', 2640), ('recharge', 2641), ('series', 2642), ('setbacks', 2643), ('scary', 2644), ('jacksons', 2645), ('disturbing', 2646), ('independence', 2647), ('praise', 2648), ('suggests', 2649), ('might', 2650), ('delay', 2651), ('coup', 2652), ('veterans', 2653), ('affairs', 2654), ('martha', 2655), ('automakers', 2656), ('x', 2657), ('activism', 2658), ('oral', 2659), ('streaming', 2660), ('frog', 2661), ('rebound', 2662), ('southern', 2663), ('exposure', 2664), ('quick', 2665), ('divorce', 2666), ('60', 2667), ('denmark', 2668), ('deepens', 2669), ('caribbean', 2670), ('savor', 2671), ('australian', 2672), ('bounty', 2673), ('ideal', 2674), ('opinion', 2675), ('68', 2676), ('bereaved', 2677), ('topics', 2678), ('using', 2679), ('column', 2680), ('tackle', 2681), ('toward', 2682), ('dirty', 2683), 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3163), ('surges', 3164), ('fed', 3165), ('karate', 3166), ('kid', 3167), ('grudge', 3168), ('rematch', 3169), ('lifes', 3170), ('chance', 3171), ('revolution', 3172), ('uprising', 3173), ('different', 3174), ('41', 3175), ('lgbt', 3176), ('reject', 3177), ('names', 3178), ('mommy', 3179), ('daddy', 3180), ('isolated', 3181), ('hid', 3182), ('buyers', 3183), ('terraces', 3184), ('linger', 3185), ('merkel', 3186), ('visit', 3187), ('welcome', 3188), ('mat', 3189), ('distances', 3190), ('savory', 3191), ('salty', 3192), ('carricantes', 3193), ('sicily', 3194), ('lesson', 3195), ('fiano', 3196), ('dumplings', 3197), ('nod', 3198), ('signal', 3199), ('genealogy', 3200), ('front', 3201), ('pop', 3202), ('rebellion', 3203), ('siberia', 3204), ('unlikely', 3205), ('greenpeace', 3206), ('tots', 3207), ('heavy', 3208), ('weights', 3209), ('unreserved', 3210), ('hawk', 3211), ('confirmed', 3212), ('diplomat', 3213), ('spare', 3214), ('italian', 3215), ('subs', 3216), ('australia', 3217), ('games', 3218), ('squash', 3219), ('ceiling', 3220), ('spider', 3221), ('tree', 3222), ('tries', 3223), ('untangle', 3224), ('evolution', 3225), ('webs', 3226), ('codes', 3227), ('smiles', 3228), ('comments', 3229), ('rift', 3230), ('braindamaged', 3231), ('review', 3232), ('searches', 3233), ('misogynists', 3234), ('terrorists', 3235), ('abby', 3236), ('caffeine', 3237), ('overweight', 3238), ('offspring', 3239), ('modernday', 3240), ('myth', 3241), ('verge', 3242), ('shares', 3243), ('prosecutor', 3244), ('seeking', 3245), ('smarts', 3246), ('poor', 3247), ('wrongdoing', 3248), ('killers', 3249), ('barflies', 3250), ('clinging', 3251), ('ends', 3252), ('comics', 3253), ('mona', 3254), ('short', 3255), ('theater', 3256), ('square', 3257), ('unite', 3258), ('banish', 3259), ('jabs', 3260), ('melania', 3261), ('gift', 3262), ('members', 3263), ('airconditioning', 3264), ('learned', 3265), ('corporate', 3266), ('diary', 3267), ('coop', 3268), ('slowed', 3269), ('growth', 3270), ('blip', 3271), ('driving', 3272), ('cliff', 3273), ('hart', 3274), ('stepping', 3275), ('outside', 3276), ('dollhouse', 3277), ('alkaline', 3278), ('owes', 3279), ('build', 3280), ('biden', 3281), ('disease', 3282), ('lawyer', 3283), ('clinton', 3284), ('surefire', 3285), ('winner', 3286), ('certain', 3287), ('debates', 3288), ('verdict', 3289), ('financial', 3290), ('fresh', 3291), ('bright', 3292), ('stirfry', 3293), ('happening', 3294), ('bloody', 3295), ('preview', 3296), ('deluxe', 3297), ('frittata', 3298), ('topped', 3299), ('burrata', 3300), ('merger', 3301), ('tmobile', 3302), ('sprint', 3303), ('popcorn', 3304), ('bosss', 3305), ('youtoo', 3306), ('nicaraguan', 3307), ('daunting', 3308), ('task', 3309), ('tracking', 3310), ('bootlegger', 3311), ('mayor', 3312), ('sells', 3313), ('bridge', 3314), ('yipes', 3315), ('canned', 3316), ('chaplain', 3317), ('scoffs', 3318), ('clues', 3319), ('placed', 3320), ('serial', 3321), ('nike', 3322), ('forcing', 3323), ('populist', 3324), ('tide', 3325), ('remaking', 3326), ('supporters', 3327), ('cartoon', 3328), ('nobel', 3329), ('laureate', 3330), ('alfie', 3331), ('evans', 3332), ('rich', 3333), ('extinction', 3334), ('identity', 3335), ('intelligence', 3336), ('misunabbreviated', 3337), ('hed', 3338), ('pursuit', 3339), ('truce', 3340), ('dinners', 3341), ('merging', 3342), ('tappan', 3343), ('zee', 3344), ('among', 3345), ('fluke', 3346), ('porgies', 3347), ('150', 3348), ('reach', 3349), ('brace', 3350), ('deadline', 3351), ('draws', 3352), ('lessons', 3353), ('trueblue', 3354), ('liberals', 3355), ('2020', 3356), ('proxy', 3357), ('underwear', 3358), ('potatoes', 3359), ('doug', 3360), ('jones', 3361), ('tennessee', 3362), ('gazan', 3363), ('living', 3364), ('thing', 3365), ('sense', 3366), ('transgender', 3367), ('bans', 3368), ('facts', 3369), ('apu', 3370), ('disarmament', 3371), ('deterrents', 3372), ('libya', 3373), ('always', 3374), ('uphill', 3375), ('laws', 3376), ('passed', 3377), ('judgment', 3378), ('eaten', 3379), ('focuses', 3380), ('snowladen', 3381), ('flights', 3382), ('jfk', 3383), ('minutes', 3384), ('deadliest', 3385), ('afghanistan', 3386), ('since', 3387), ('2002', 3388), ('fearing', 3389), ('photographing', 3390), ('rituals', 3391), ('surround', 3392), ('emails', 3393), ('hate', 3394), ('opaque', 3395), ('ownership', 3396), ('llc', 3397), ('worried', 3398), ('risky', 3399), ('teenage', 3400), ('tougher', 3401), ('survived', 3402), ('started', 3403), ('30', 3404), ('happy', 3405), ('karl', 3406), ('marx', 3407), ('incels', 3408), ('jihadists', 3409), ('orphan', 3410), ('frequently', 3411), ('supports', 3412), ('gamify', 3413), ('prepared', 3414), ('cede', 3415), ('pledges', 3416), ('invade', 3417), ('demands', 3418), ('ditch', 3419), ('wheelchair', 3420), ('tokyo', 3421), ('distinctive', 3422), ('austin', 3423), ('crew', 3424), ('gardens', 3425), ('ending', 3426), ('infinity', 3427), ('documenter', 3428), ('fortnite', 3429), ('addict', 3430), ('philosophy', 3431), ('pays', 3432), ('disappearances', 3433), ('highlight', 3434), ('militarys', 3435), ('mexicos', 3436), ('documents', 3437), ('irans', 3438), ('atomic', 3439), ('subterfuge', 3440), ('investment', 3441), ('holds', 3442), ('steady', 3443), ('q', 3444), ('hows', 3445), ('standoff', 3446), ('eases', 3447), ('allow', 3448), ('eight', 3449), ('seek', 3450), ('asylum', 3451), ('assumes', 3452), ('beauty', 3453), ('megamerger', 3454), ('tightens', 3455), ('app', 3456), ('investigation', 3457), ('couple', 3458), ('dividing', 3459), ('delaying', 3460), ('limit', 3461), ('researchers', 3462), ('sheldon', 3463), ('silver', 3464), ('retrial', 3465), ('revisits', 3466), ('gig', 3467), ('dealt', 3468), ('blow', 3469), ('cardinal', 3470), ('faces', 3471), ('charges', 3472), ('context', 3473), ('show', 3474), ('depth', 3475), ('obstacles', 3476), ('competitive', 3477), ('sport', 3478), ('rootslush', 3479), ('historical', 3480), ('rooted', 3481), ('naturenovels', 3482), ('steeped', 3483), ('historyancient', 3484), ('reimaginedjurassic', 3485), ('classics', 3486), ('question', 3487), ('reinforces', 3488), ('anna', 3489), ('llama', 3490), ('hayden', 3491), ('regret', 3492), ('nothin', 3493)]) epa max_len : 24 [[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 269] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 269 371] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 269 371 1115]] [[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 269] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 269 371]] [ 269 371 1115] [[0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]] Model: "sequential" _________________________________________________________________ Layer (type) Output Shape Param # ================================================================= embedding (Embedding) (None, 23, 32) 111808 lstm (LSTM) (None, 128) 82432 flatten (Flatten) (None, 128) 0 dense (Dense) (None, 128) 16512 dense_1 (Dense) (None, 64) 8256 dense_2 (Dense) (None, 3494) 227110 ================================================================= Total params: 446,118 Trainable params: 446,118 Non-trainable params: 0 _________________________________________________________________ None defense from people too other state dinner nods to traditions and tuesday the americans season 6 episode 5 recap the end game beginning the americans season 6 episode 5 recap the end game
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